
Here you can find information on all publications made during the the Erasmus+ Project EMMA.


Student needs analysis in active ageing: Progress

EMMA: Eurooppalaisen maisterikoulutuksen kehittäminen vauhdissa

Academic papers

Postgraduate education in healthy and active ageing: learning needs, curriculum and expected outcomes: a scoping review protocol

Postgraduate education in healthy and active ageing: a systematic scoping review of learning needs, curricula and learning impact

Learning needs in healthy and active aging according to key stakeholders: a multinational survey

Conference contributions

AGen2021: 7th Asian conference on Aging & Gerontology: European Master Active Ageing and Age-friendly Environment (EMMA)

9th Scientific Conference: All About People: Digital Transformation in Science, Education and Arts: Home page (Oral presentation)

Finnish National Board of Education: Spring Seminar – International Activities: Programme (Poster)

Sociološko srečanje: Pandemična družba: Starosti prijazna družba in aktivno staranje:
projekt EMMA

17th EUGMS Congress: Student learning needs in healthy and active ageing: a multinational survey of potential students, acedemics and key stakeholders (Abstract #562)

IGS: The Annual and Scientific Meeting 2021 ‘What does “Active Ageing” mean to you?’ A five-country survey of academics, students, advocacy groups, and ‘expert’ older people and Investigating learning needs, outcomes, and curricula in healthy and active ageing: a scoping review and multinational survey

11th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum: European Master in Active Ageing and Age-Friendly Society (Poster 6006)

Cohehre Conference 2022: Programme (Presentation in parallel sessions)

Forschungsforum der österreichische Hochschulen (FFH 2022): Programme Building an online Joint Program Platform Architecture for the “EMMA” Project (Poster)

8. kongres socialnega dela (8th congress of social work): Home page (Oral presentation)

3rd International Hybrid Conference of Healthy Aging in Digitized Societies: Active Ageing and Age Friendly Society: Programme (Presentation)

From Molecules to People: Programme (Poster)

13th National Conference of Nursing Students: Programme (Round Table Presentation)

College of Medicine and Health Teaching and Learning showcase: Investigating Learning Needs, Outcomes, And Curricula In Healthy And Active Ageing: A Scoping Review And Multinational Survey

21st International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare:
Survey Results on Online Teaching and Learning Environments in the European EMMA Project